
Karen Bit Vejles - Paper Inpiration

I came across this artist called Karen Bit Vejles who specialises in creating paper artwork from the magic of a pair of scissors. She mostly creates 2d structures similar to stencils. The detail she can achieve by hand are incredible...


Workshop Two...

The next exercise involved a large sheet of A1 paper cut in half vertically, then a 1.5 cm border around the edge with 1cm slots going across horizontally.  This resulted in a nice springy form which was also hard to fold. After playing around for a while, this was the result...

What I love about this outcome is that, it looks like an abstract set of ribcages and the spiral effect makes it look a lot more complex than it actually is.

Workshop One.

After seeing some of Richard Sweeney's inspirational work, next came the task of exploring paper. We were given A5 sheets of paper and was asked to create 3D objects using rulers, scalpels and knives. At the beginning, I found this task very challenging, but as time went on, I started getting into the swing of things....

 What I loved about these paper sculptures was the shdows they created as those in itself created something entirely different everytime the lighting was moved...


Richard Sweeney, inspiration.

In the first skills workshop session, we got introduced to this very talented guy, Richard Sweeney. His hand crafted pieces of paper sculpture are very unique with a good aproach at exploring a flat medium. As you can see from the photos below, he knows how to please the eye...