So to start off the poster, I thought the "100" deserves the centre stage since this is what we're emphasizing the most about so I decided to make this large and centred with a stencil inspired font but slightly changed.
As I progressed on , I added the rest of the text apart from Design Museum and the date. I want to experiment how well hand made text works with digital text. Also during the research of GF Smith paper, they have used and created some very eye catching and bold colours so I thought this theme should be implemented in some way to continue the idea of creating something easily readable from a distace...
As you can see from the images above, the good thing about stencil work is that you can easily mix and match the nagative space to see what works best.
Contining the theme of bright colours, I decided to give the 100 years the golden approval it deserves by placing some yellow paper underneath it to give this effect...
WHat I really like about the effect of the yellow paper used is again the natural drop shadows created, especially when flash is used. An effect ive only seen on Photoshop!
Now I wanted to see how well it looks when photographed behind the white background under controled lighting again. Here are the results..
Again, like I have mentioned before, it is amazing how the lgiht can dramatically change the effect, and atmosphere of a photo in which you can see in this range of shots here. I'm really looking forward to how these ideas could potentially come out when it comes to adding a mix of digital loving.