
Let's get started with some Ideas then...

To start off and get a natural flare of the potential of this task, I used some of the images used throughout the final structure to create a range of different poster layouts and styles. I kept to the simplistic sans serif theme GF Smith have thoroughly used in the past in which i decided Century Gothic was the most sensible option since the letters are very circular which represents zeros essentially.

When playing around in Photoshop, these are some of the outcomes which shows how many different potentials you can portray from the following information:

100 Years of GF Smith Paper
Design Museum
01-31 July 2011

The key to creating a successful poster is by following these points;

  • Good use of typography used throughout,
  • Aesthetically pleasing layout,
  • Bold and eye catching from a distance,
  • Easily readable,
  • Show off the professional quality of GF Smith Papers.

In the brief it specifically says that the final poster for this must be in A2 Portrait format, however I wanted to get a feel for the landscape layout in order to understand how it would work with possible constraints when it comes to final post production of the poster.

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