
The Final Paper Structure.

After a lot of experiments and getting comfortable with the design and the process to completing the structure correctly, I felt confident to give the final sculpture a go. I used an A2 piece of cartridge paper and started to lay out the pattern like so...

After carefully cutting alone the lines and folding selectively, the structure started coming to shape...

I loved looking at the structure through the middle as it gave a very nice and organic spiral feel to it. However, I felt the structure was generally weak and flimsy which wasn't to my liking. However, I decided to continue to see how these final photos turn out to look like....

Another thing in which I loved about this final sculpture was the incredible bold shadows it casted in the background. The vicious sharp curved lines reminded me of a whirlpool which fades away. However, I'm not entirely happy with the structure in terms of strength so I feel some tweaking is needed.

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